Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tomorrow is another day off. This week I'm concentrating on Ellie. This is the back of the new sweater. The large flower in the center is going to be changed to be the same size as the smaller ones on the side. Hoping to start the cardigan front this week.
Ellie's quilt is growing. Still a lot of applique to do, as well as adding the left border. Jack and I are going to paint a bed for her this week. Her room is blue lavender and reddish lavender. Thought I would mix it up with a teal bed. If it doesn't work we can always repaint.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Two days off and three quilts to work on...

This Bargello needs two more sections of the same size. It belongs to (and the fabrics were chosen by) Cathy Mays.

Cinderella Round Robin is a hand quilting project.

This quilt will hopefully look like the one on the cover of The Quilt Story. It's going to be for Elora's new big-girl bed.
I love days off!

Friday, June 14, 2013

First day back at work post surgery

First day back at work. Kind of tired tonight so I set some easy goals. 
Finish sewing down the
 binding on this quilt,

 Sew some leaves on my Blackbird
Baltimore Album block,

And... Finish this.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

UnFinished Object number One

This is UFO number one. It was supposed to be for my sister on her birthday in July. Oh well, looks like she'll be getting something from QVC.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hi, my name is Susannah and I'm a compulsive quilt project starter

I had tickets for Hawaii.  Two days before leaving I developed a fever, which turned out to be my gallbladder knocking to get out. Two days after that I found myself recuperating at home alone. There I was in front of the TV with my debit card, QVC on the TV, and a bottle full of narcotic pain meds. All I'm missing is a gun and a bottle of whiskey for my danger-to-society-meter to rise off the charts. Not a set up for good decision making. I know this because I felt warm that first day and the next thing I know I'm holding the sleeves of my pajamas, which I've just cut off.

I cast around for a more productive pastime and hit upon the idea of starting a new project... or five.... or eight.... It wasn't that I didn't have enough UFO's to be getting on with already, but now I have more.It turns out that there are no 12 step programs for compulsive quilt-project starting. Who knew? So this is my forum and you are my Helen's and Lily's and Mark's - the people who will step up to listen without judgment. 

So - just for today - I won't start a new quilt project.