Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hi, my name is Susannah and I'm a compulsive quilt project starter

I had tickets for Hawaii.  Two days before leaving I developed a fever, which turned out to be my gallbladder knocking to get out. Two days after that I found myself recuperating at home alone. There I was in front of the TV with my debit card, QVC on the TV, and a bottle full of narcotic pain meds. All I'm missing is a gun and a bottle of whiskey for my danger-to-society-meter to rise off the charts. Not a set up for good decision making. I know this because I felt warm that first day and the next thing I know I'm holding the sleeves of my pajamas, which I've just cut off.

I cast around for a more productive pastime and hit upon the idea of starting a new project... or five.... or eight.... It wasn't that I didn't have enough UFO's to be getting on with already, but now I have more.It turns out that there are no 12 step programs for compulsive quilt-project starting. Who knew? So this is my forum and you are my Helen's and Lily's and Mark's - the people who will step up to listen without judgment. 

So - just for today - I won't start a new quilt project.


  1. What a great first post! Sorry it required surgery to get you to consider blogging. ;)

    All the best with the blog and the quilting. You're very accomplished. I just fiddle around with disappearing nine patches.

    Oh, Joann sent me over...

  2. I have so many ufo's it's not funny. One day, I will finish them all.
