Monday, June 17, 2013

Two days off and three quilts to work on...

This Bargello needs two more sections of the same size. It belongs to (and the fabrics were chosen by) Cathy Mays.

Cinderella Round Robin is a hand quilting project.

This quilt will hopefully look like the one on the cover of The Quilt Story. It's going to be for Elora's new big-girl bed.
I love days off!


  1. All of the quilts are wonderful - I loved seeing the Cinderella quilt in person, it is the most fabulous quilt. Elora's quilt is going to be so special.

  2. Hello popped over from JoAnn's blog and she was right your quilts are beautiful. I admire your talent. The Cinderella quilt is truly beautiful. B

  3. Welcome to the world of Blogs Susannah! I found your blog on Jo's blog. I love the Cinderella Round Robin quilt. How long have you been working on it?

  4. What wonderful quilts. We love that book. (the Quilt Story) And the Round Robin is amazing. So fun to work on projects with friends. I did that several years ago.

  5. I have come over from JoAnn's bloig - love these quilts and shall send the link to my non blogging quilting friend.
